Sunday, January 03, 2010

Poisoned.? Addiction.

Okay. first of all, Happy New Year. o___0. Kinda late but still its from my heart.

Here it goes. My latest piece of artwork.
Pretty obvious and straight forward artwork. It explain as Brain poisoned which you can see those "cane-like" thingy came out from a creature head. Haha. Why i've such idea or thought to draw out this piece is because im CURRENTLY addicted in some really HOT stuff. =____= It inspired me to draw something out just to keep it as memory and also to increase my skill? haha.
If you see it more clearly, it actually looks like a tree floating. This is what i wanna show - Addiction keeps growing.

This self-training artwork was done around 3 weeks ago. Those who are in my friend list @ facebook should have saw it already. XD

By the way, after the picture finished loading, try and enlarge it. Because you can find out how bad my drawing line was. Sometimes i really feel like wanna chopped of my arms because it keep shaking while im drawing... reason- not confident enough? or some kind of sickness? But this shaking arm are giving me some trouble----> cant take clear photo at night sometimes even in the morning.

Lastll, im gonna show my latest addiction. It started to tickle me since the last perspective class. It's been around 2months~ LOL.


Girl Generation~ search more about them on youtube, because they have so many nice video!!! LOL

Thanks to Razlan, LS, ooi teck. Sharing their little information about them. Making me into this Kpop world. @_____@

Until next time.

Friday, January 01, 2010

1 . 1 . 10

Bold n sharp color just to represent the life i want in 2010.



說2009已經結束,但我覺得這個結束點來得太快了.我一時覺得我在這一年裡沒真真的做一樣像樣的東西.或許是時間過得太快,來不及跟著走.還是別人都正在為自己的夢想 努力去奮斗的實現它.所以跟我比起來,顯示我好像在做一些沒有意義的事情. 我也不知道.

所說2009,我沒發生什麼特別有趣或特別有印象的事情.但我還是有點不捨得的感覺,也許是應為我想要在2009年裡實現那一年裡許下的願望.另一個原因應該是應為接近開學了(放了很長的假),不想那麼快再次適應那一種日子 所說哪一些日子對我來說不是地獄般的生活.


在2010年,我已經有了幾個目標 等著我去完成它. 2009未完成的目標我將把它帶到2010繼續的把它完成.而且我要把這一年活的沒有遺憾,看,做,想的比去年還要多.
